" Thanks to God, my parents, my friends, and my English Language teacher mr.Erwan, for having supported me so this blog can be done well ."

Senin, 28 Mei 2012

Descriptive text

SMA Negeri 2 Palangkaraya

Hai semuanya! 
Hari ini kita bakal bahas topic tentang Descriptive text.
Pasti kalian udah tau semua kan apa yang dimaksud dengan Descriptive text?
‘kan SMP udah pernah di bahas.  Masih ingat?
Descriptive text itu adalah teks yang menjelaskan tentang sesuatu / mendeskripsikan sesuatu. Yuk kita bahas sama-sama.

Descriptive text adalah teks  yang  memberikan gambaran verbal dari objek, karakter, lokasi, atau peristiwa. Deskripsi dianggap sebagai salah satu dari empat bentuk tradisional komposisi (bersama dengan eksposisi, narasi, dan persuasi).

“Descriptive text is a text that to give a verbal picture of the object, character, location, or event.”

Descriptive text memiliki strukture sebagai berikut:
a.    Identification: identifying the phenomenon to be described.
b.    Description: describing the phenomenon in parts, qualities, or/and characteristics.

    C.   BAHASA
Fitur bahasa Descriptive text yaitu:
a.    Using attributive and identifying process.
b.    Using adjective and classifiers in nominal group.
c.    Using simple present tense.
   D.   CONTOH

jembatan kahayan

History Palangkaraya city's
 Palangka Raya is the capital city of the Indonesian province Central Kalimantan, situated between the Kayahan and the Sabangau rivers. The population of the municipality is 170,761. The closest airport serving the city is Tjilik Riwut.

Tugu Proklamasi

Kalimantan Tengah (Central Kalimantan) province was established on 23 May 1957. It was Sukarno, the proclaimer of Indonesian independence, who initiated construction of the city of Palangkaraya, the capital of the new province. Initially, Palangkaraya was prepared as a new capital of Indonesia to replace Jakarta and this was, until recently, still discussed. To support this idea, many iconic building were built to reflect the Greater Indonesia. For example, Bundaran Besar in downtown Palangkaraya consists of eight cross-roads that symbolize the eight great islands of Indonesia, namely Java, Sumatra, Sulawesi, Kalimantan, Bali, Nusa Tenggara, and Papua. This makes Palangkaraya one of the most well constructed, planned cities in Indonesia.

di taman kota Palangkaraya

The major population is Muslim while there are also Christian and Dayak people among them. The Museum Balanga offers an insight into Kalimantan cultures.
Markets and agriculture

The city is famous with its local dish of Patin bakar (Grilled River Fish), Nasi kuning (Yellow Rice), sop rotan(Rattan Soup). Some famous and popular delicacies also come from the neighbouring province of South Kalimantan. Soto Banjar and Ketupat Kandangan are the two famous food from South Kalimantan.


Two main traditional markets are available in Palangka Raya. Better known as 'Pasar Besar' or big market and Pasar Kahayan offer many types of goods. These markets are the place to go for people to get their food supplies such as rice, meats, fishes, vegetables, spices etc.

There are also abundant mini markets as well as super markets. The growing city also have a shopping mall named Palangka Raya Mall or PALMA. The shopping mall is located right at the heart of the city which is at the Bundaran Besar.

di taman kota Palangkaraya


Many people in Palangkaraya speak the Indonesian language as well as the local dialects such as Dayak Ngaju, Dayak Maanyan etc. However, the usage or Banjar Language is more observable than the local Dayak dialects.

Close by the city, within the boundaries of the Nyaru Menteng Arboretum, a 62,5 hectare lowland peat swamp forest ecosystem, founded in 1988 by the Ministry of Forestry Regional office of Central Kalimantan, is the Nyaru Mentang Orangutan Rescue and Rehabilitation Centre, operated by the Borneo Orangutan Survival Foundation, and founded and managed by Lone Drøscher Nielsen. The centre featured on Animal Planet's award-winning series Orangutan Island, the BBC's Orangutan diary, Saving Planet Earth and Growing Up... Orangutan (BBC/Discovery Channel), and in the 2008 Australian documentary-drama, The Burning Season.
The future capital of Indonesia
See also: Indonesian future capital proposal

In 1957, when President Soekarno inaugurated a monument in the place that was then still called Pahandut, he expressed his desire to make the city the new republic’s future capital.

di taman kota Palangkaraya
Gimana? Udah pada pahm semua?
Semoga pembahasan singkat kali ini bias bermanfaat buat kita semua. Bye – bye.

di taman kota Palangkaraya


Ross Shield


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