" Thanks to God, my parents, my friends, and my English Language teacher mr.Erwan, for having supported me so this blog can be done well ."

Jumat, 28 September 2012


Apa yang kamu ketahui tentang Direct And Indirect Speech?
Wah, lupa ya? Sampe gak ada yang kamu isi. Ckckckc...
Topik ini sudah di bahas ketika kelas X. Hayo, bagi yang lupa pasti gak merhatiin ya ketika di jelasin? Nah kali ini aku mau bahas topik tentang itu. Kalo belum puas aku ada bahan-bahannya berupa PPT nya. Terserah deh mau di download ato gak. Whatever. Hehe. PPT itu bukan aku sih yang buat. Tapi teman-teman aku. Daripada kesimpan di laptop, basi, n jamuran mending aku bagi-bagi aja. Siapa tau penting kan buat kalian. Haha. Daripada ngomongin hal yang gak jelas gitu mending kit bahas sekarang.

Direct And Indirect Speech dalam Bahasa Indonesianya adalah kalimat langsung dan gak langsung. Berikut pembahaan singkatnya dalam Bahasa Inggris berhubung ini Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris gitu loh. (lebay)

     1.    DIRECT SPEECH
Direct speech refers to reproducing another person’s exact word oe saying exactly what someone has said  (sometimes called quoted speech) here what a peson says appears within quotation marks(“….”) and should be word for word.

   1. Yuni said, “I’m very busy .”
   2. They said, “We have bought a picture.”
   3. He said, “I am learning my lesson.”
   4. Lisa says, “I got the first prize.”
   5. You said, “I will come to help him.”
   6. Ridha will say, “I will do my best.” 

Indirect speech refers to reproducing the idea of another person’s words that doesn’t use quotation marks to enclose what the person said and it doesn’t have to be word for word. Indirect speech is sometimes called reported speech.
The tense usually changes when reporting speech. This is because we are usually talking about a time in the past and obviously the person who spoke originally spoke in the past.

1. Imperrative (command/request)
2. interrogative (question)
3. Declarative (statement)

Example :
1. Imperrative (command / request)
    Direct   : Mrs. Santi said to Dina, "Don't wory about it."
    Indirect : Mrs. Santi told Dina not to wory about it.
2.Interrogative (question)
    Direct   : Risa asked to Nico, "Are you a journalist?"
    Indirect : Risa asked if / whether He was journalist.
3. Declarative (statement)
    Direct   : Mr. Harry said, "I worked hard yesterday."
    Indirect : Mr. Harry said that he worked hard the day before.
    In comand sentences, direct speech can changed to indirect speech with change   "Said" to be "Ordered", "Told", and "Forbade".

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